Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Father's Legacy

It is my late dad's birthday today (July 7th) and I can't help but think about him. He was a strict disciplinarian in his younger years, one mistake and we would get a beating. His sermons were longer than the priests'. At the office where he worked as a manager he scolds his employees for hours, just like at home. At least he was consistent. He's a chain-smoker but oddly enough he avoids drinking alcohol.

There are two things he was most passionate about - education and sports, for which i am very thankful. Me and my siblings would usually joke about memorizing 5 new words each day, this being a favorite command of his. He would go to our schools and check on our teachers, get acquainted with the guards ... and once, he even flashed my picture to the students at PLM while looking for me, lol! What a man! In spite of these "faults," we love and respect him, and we'll never be where we are today if not for him. Of course, we have the best mom too but that's another story.

Our father mellowed down over the years as we grew up and those are my best memories of him - playing bowling, watching sports live or on TV - basketball, boxing, baseball, tennis etc.

Wherever he is right now, i am sure he is very happy with whats happening to his off-springs. My older sister manages her own convenience store right now, my older brother now starting to work independently in spite of his illnesses, my younger sister recently passed the Bar exam and moved to an office where she can practice the profession and my younger brother, well, he's got a doctorate degree and doing well in his post in a Dubai college.

As for me, when i passed the board exam for civil engineers, my dad said to me that "you have accomplished more things than i have". That time, i don't really get its meaning and two years ago, i wouldn't have agreed but today, i would say, in all honesty, that i am on the right track.

We miss you dad.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Being a Fanboy!


So young, yet so talented! Man, i was blown away when i first checked Paramore on youtube and still am. This girl Hayley Williams is something else. Aside from outstanding vocals, you can't miss her other charms - her face, her figure, her red/orange hair and the way she moves onstage. Just WOW! The other band members are doing great too and complements Hayley nicely. Oh shit, what i'd do to see them perform live.


IMHO, Korea has one of the best cultures in Asia today. Their shows are interesting and a lot of fun too. In a place where there's little Filipino and American shows on TV, I usually check out the Korean channel. But of course, Pinoy culture will always be tops for me.

The latest movie I saw was Ip Man 2 last weekend, not to be confused with Ironman 2, quite amusing because they practically came out at the theatres on the same day. I have watched the first Ip Man on dvd, and thought the sequel is worth a trip to the cinema. You bet I'm dead right about this one. Its so good that the usually reserved chinese audience clapped their hands in appreciation. For the uninformed, Ip Man is a master of Wing Chun, a form of martial arts and one of the students he taught was the great Bruce Lee. What a remarkable life he lived. Man, i've had goosebumps as the credits roll when they showed still photos of the real Ip Man and Bruce Lee, then 16 years of age. Turns out google has them too.

Friday, April 23, 2010

These days (2)

Wow its April 2010 now, these days sure are fast. I'm a year older, and a lot wiser. I'm getting scorched, literally, by the hot sun but i don't mind. On the contrary, i enjoy working out at site. We're building a hotel right now and I feel like its my baby. Suddenly i have a vision of what and where i wanna be in 5 years and i have the blueprint on how to do it. The future looks bright. Hope it pans out well.

Anyway, i'm enjoying my 32" Philips LCD, just the right size for me. The NBA Playoffs, Avatar DVD, PS3, Final Fantasy, RE5 and my LCD TV - perfect.